With Courtney's technique, we usually buy shares based on the fixed fraction risk principle. This is why all interfaces of The Stock Butler show your position size based on the risk by default.
One technique, the "Monthly HotHands", uses a "cash-based" approach to calculate the position size.
For example, if you have a $100k account, with 1% risk this will be $1,000 of risk. Therefore, a position with a risk of $5 per share at an entry price of $50 will let you buy 200 shares for a position size of $10,000.
If you follow the HotHands technique, instead of 1% in risk, you will use 1% in cash. Therefore, if a stock entry price is $50 per share, you will buy only 20 shares for a position size of $1,000.
Since not all traders will trade ETF in a "cash-based number of share", the Watchlist interface shows your position size based on the risk percentage and not the cash position, as this is the main calculation. Some traders can trade ETFs on the risk-based approach instead of the cash-based approach.
When you create an order ticket for a trade, if you want the cash-based calculation, the order page of The Stock Butler will give you the option to choose.