The Stock Butler will inform you of a possible pyramid when you are profitable on a position. This means that your protective stop is higher than your buy price. When pyramiding you can be “aggressive” (by not waiting to be profitable) or “conservative” (by waiting to be profitable like The Stock Butler).
The “aggressive” method is more likely to be used when the market is bullish. The important thing to remember when doing the "aggressive" method is that you are adding more risk to the same position and therefore can lose more if the stock changes direction.
The advantage of the "conservative" method is to not add more risk to your portfolio and still make a lot of money.
The message will be displayed in the Needing your attention tab in your Portfolio. In the interface, you will see a small icon at the end of the line. If you place your mouse over it you will see more details.

If you click on the icon you will go to the stock dashboard where you will have all the information on the stocks for all the techniques. Then you will decide if you want to pyramid or not, on this stock.
If you would like more explanations on Pyramiding you may ask your questions on the Facebook group.