What it is for?
This section of The Stock Butler gives you an overview of all the stocks that you have decided to follow. This page will evaluate the rules so you can decide which position you would like to invest in.
This section of the site is not connected to your Portfolio. You'll see every day Technical Analysis results regardless of the number of positions that you might have in your portfolio on these stocks. Thus, the Technical Analysis of your Watchlist are not suggestions to buy and you should not buy the same stock several times (or each day, or in a short time period) to avoid having too much risk on a single position.
When this situation occurs, you will see the following messages in the Create Order Ticket page:
If you want to buy the same stock multiple times, which is Pyramiding, please read this article.
What does the green highlight mean?
The green highlights usually give you the indication that these
stocks pass the Technical Analysis test. If the stocks are not highlighted green then they don't pass the Technical Analysis test.
For the Currently Ready to buy tab, the
stocks are highlighted green when they are near to getting filled. All the
stocks in the "Currently Ready to buy" tab are less than 10% of getting filled. The
more dark green the stock are in the "Currently Ready to buy" list the nearer they are
(base on the current closing price) to the buy price.
For the Channel
Breakout trades and Trend Analysis trades tab the green highlight means that they have a good
technical analysis.
Usually you will want to buy the stocks that are in the "Currently Ready to buy" tab because they are closer to being filled. But we show the other tab
because some users will like to place trade on stock even if they have
more than 10% off high.
The buffer
The different tabs of the Watchlist show the price (55 days hi, 20 days low, last swing hi and last swing low) without the buffer.
The buffer is automatically added to the tool tip that you can see over the create order ticket icon in the different tabs and is also added automatically on to the price in the Create Order Ticket page.
The default value of the buffer is $0.10. If the price of the action if above $400 the buffer is automatically adjusted to $0.50.
What do the % off high or the blue check icon with a percentage in it mean?
The % off high is the percentage that a stock needs to gain in order for your buy order to get executed. For example, if your buy price is 105$ and the last close price is 100$ you need a gain of 5% to get filled.
What is the difference between "Ready to buy", "Channel Breakout trades" and "Trend Analysis trades"?
All stock that are highlighted in green have a good technical formation, in other words they pass the Trend Analysis and Channel Breakout test. The difference between the "Currently Ready to buy" and the other tab is that for stocks that are in the "Currently Ready to buy" have a closing price of the day that is 10% or less from the buy price and they don't have a Bishop warning signal.
What does the number in parenthesis ( ... ) mean?
The number in parenthesis (...) represents the number of days that this Swing Hi, Swing
Lo, 55 Hi or 20 Low is active. This number of days is particularly useful for CB
analysis but we like to give a few insights so we created the system with the
number of days for TA as well. It could tell you if it just happened or if it has been a
few days and you missed it.
What can be in the Watchlist?
The Watchlist can contain any stock that you want. Usually, you will keep your Best of the Best of the week, your Hot Hands and other ETF.
How to use it?
Once a week, during the weekend, you will synchronize your Best of the Best from the Rating section by adding the best (rated A, B, C) stocks to your Watchlist and removing the "Rejected" ones. You can keep the stocks that are rated "N/A" because they usually are your ETF.
Then each day, you look at the stocks that are in the Ready to buy tab. For every stock in the Ready to buy tab, you check the analysis to see if you want to place an order. If you like it, you can create an order ticket on this position.
Another thing to look at is the stock's chart to
see if the stock is going side ways, going up or going down. This is
another indication to help you select which stock that you want to place
trade on.
On the risk management side, the Watchlist will not manage your overall portfolio. This means that it will not forbid you from buying, for example, 10 positions of the same stock with 1% risk each which is too much. You will have to manage your overall risk. To help you, the Watchlist will show you this icon to tell you that you have a position for this stock.
For more information on the risk management click here. If you want to buy the same stock multiple times, which is Pyramiding, please read this article.