If you cannot log in to The Stock Butler site these few tips will help you get in to your account.

Have you confirmed your email address?

The Stock Butler requires that you confirm your email address before you can use your account after the first log out. If you try to log in and get the following error message:  "Your email address has not been approved yet. Please use the link in the email that you received upon registration.

  1. You can look in your emails for "The Stock Butler: Email confirmation" and click on the link. You will then receive the "Welcome to The Stock Butler" email.
  2. If you don't find it, you can request a new password. We will look in our system and if your email is not confirmed you will receive an email with the confirmation link and a new password.

The forget password page is here: http://www.stockbutler.com/Account/ResetPassword

Your email address is confirmed?

We will suggest that you use the forget password function to get a new one.

The forget password page is here: http://www.stockbutler.com/Account/ResetPassword

You forgot your username?

Please use the Contact Support link on the left to request it from us.