The Create Order page of The Stock Butler will validate that you don't have too much open positions on the same stock.
Usually, you will place one position for a stock
at a time to keep your risk at your current default risk, for example 1%.
Multiple entry point
If you have
multiple entry points for a stock, for example, you have a buy signal on CB and TA on Apple and you would like to place both trades, you can split your current risk (manually)
between the two techniques. In our current example, this gives 0.5% of risk on each technique.
It is possible to have more than one
position at a time in a stock. This is call "Pyramiding" and occurs when your position is already profitable. Your position is profitable when your protective stop is higher than your buy price.
In this situation, the profitable position doesn't count as risk because your protective stock is higher than your buy price.