The portfolio keeps everything that you have at your broker's. It will have all the orders that are "In order" (so not filled yet but waiting to be filled) and all the orders that are "In trade" (or long) at your broker.
As you know, the portfolio module has 6 tabs:
- Portfolio: Shows ALL your "in order" or "in trade" positions
- Needing your attention: Shows you the detailed analysis of your positions "in trade" or "in order"
- Order ticket(s) - waiting to be placed: this is where your order tickets are temporarily stored. This is used to keep all your orders pending at your broker. When the order is entered at your broker, you mark it "placed" in the Stock Butler and he will modify your position in your portfolio for you.
- In Order: ALL orders that are not filled yet but placed at your broker.
- In Trade: ALL orders that are filled at your broker (positions in which you are long).
- Sold: ALL your sold positions.
Please note that if you cancel an order at your broker or in The Stock Butler you will also have to do it in the other system.