Some users had problems with payment processing on the PayPal site. Thanks to one of our great members we had a solution that he found after working out the situation over the phone with PayPal.
If you get this error message from PayPal, please verify the following item in your PayPal account:
- Verify that your email address is the good one so you can confirm your credit card modification
- Your account is in the same country as your credit card billing address
- Your credit card is not expired
- Your credit card was not renewed recently and has a different expiration date
One problem could be that your credit card was in a different country than
your address in the PayPal account. Your credit card and your address should
In the case of our member, neither he nor PayPal noticed that this was a problem. But the system (PayPal) won’t accept it when we try to pay in US dollars.
The solution is
- Create a new account in the same country as your billing credit card address.
If these approaches don’t work you should contact PayPal to verify if your account has all the right configurations.
Click here to find PayPal's contact information.