If you have received a message from us informing you that your payment with PayPal did not work please look at the following message that I received from the PayPal Support staff.
From PayPal Support Staff
This is typically caused by the buyer's funding method being invalid. For instance an expired credit card. I have provided instructions below that you can forward to your buyer to assist them with resolving this matter.
When making a payment that you have preapproved, such as a subscription, we attempt to take the money from your PayPal balance first. If you don't have enough in your PayPal balance, we use your preferred payment method if you've set one up for your recurring payment. If this preferred payment method can't be billed (for example, your credit card expires) or has not been set up, we use the other payment methods in your PayPal account.
If you would like to change or remove your subscription’s funding source, you need to add an alternate payment method to your PayPal account first.
First you need to change your current payment method:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Profile near the top of the page.
- Click My money.
- Click Update beside "My preapproved payments".
- Select the merchant whose agreement you want to change under "Merchant."
- Click Change under "Payment Method".
- Select an alternate payment method and click Save.
Here’s how to remove a debit card or credit card from your PayPal account:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Profile near the top of the page.
- Click My money.
- Click Update in the "Debit and credit cards" section.
- Click Remove next to the card you want to remove.
- Confirm your cancelation and click Remove.
Here’s how to remove a bank account from your PayPal account:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Profile near the top of the page.
- Click My money.
- Click Update in the Bank accounts section.
- Select the bank account you want to remove and click Remove.
- Confirm your cancelation and click Remove.
- If you cancel your subscription, all future scheduled payments will be canceled.
- Canceled subscriptions cannot be reactivated.
--- end of message from PayPal Staff ---
Hope this helps