The Fundamentals Analysis
The Hot Hands / ETF does not have Analyst Estimates therefore we don't have a Fundamentals Analysis (FA) Rating for them. The seasonality also does not have Analyst Estimates which is based on the month of the year. Those don't have ratings.
These Stocks / ETFs, even if they don't have FA, will be analyzed by The Stock Butler for the Technical Analysis if you add them to your Watchlist.
How to add them to the Watchlist
If you want to follow them you can add them to your Watchlist by searching for them with the "Get Quote" button
and then use the link "Add to my Watchlist" from the stock dashboard page
and then the stock/etf will be added to your Watchlist.
Where to find the ETF
You can find the ETF on the ETF Screen site to select your hot hands and also in our blog.